What Is The Most Profitable Way To Make Money With Bitcoin? Even after a decade of ups and downs and the unidentified Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin remains at the top of the charts. To be more accurate, Bitcoin is the largest cryptocurrency in the world. So, the response to a question such as is it still possible to make money with bitcoin is a resounding yes: Bitcoin is a viable source of revenue. Since you seem to be on solid ground at this stage, the next logical question is – What is the best way to make money with Bitcoin?, put in another way, what is the most profitable way to make money with bitcoin? There are various options, with Bitcoin mining, trading, investing, affiliate earnings, and micro earnings being the most common. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to making money with Bitcoin. The amount of money you earn is determined by your risk perception and the system you use. This write-up will go into seven of the most profitable ways to make money with Bitc...
What will governments look like 5 years from now? Today DUBAI announced its plan to be... “The World’s first BLOCKCHAIN POWERED GOVERNMENT” with a plan to move 100% to blockchain by 2020 🔹 ArabianChain is moving all Dubai’s government paperwork onto the blockchain, so it doesn’t need lawyers and government departments for verification. 🔹 ObjectTech is providing digital passports and blockchain security to Dubali International airport to deliver seamless entry and exit from the country. 🔹 The Dubai Land Department has launched a blockchain system to record all real estate contracts and record all property-related transactions such as rental, utility and telcom bills. 🔹 In October, Dubai launched emCash, its own cryptocurrecny for citizens to pay for all services via digital cash. 🔹 The country has set up the 46-member Global Blockchain Council, including companies like Microsoft, IBM and Cisco, to lead the way in the country’s adopti...